·· óyó ·· senaχev khaena kas ·· éχev víχeó · tzúχev khwethóv tanawa v natha ·· lasbeóranev ███ ·· tzúχev wódhe █████ v hede █████ v tzúχev líhana kas █'█" ·· tavev █████████ am · v tovúχev ███████ ·· tzúχev ███████ am · v rhóχev ███████████████ khwethóv █ ata ··
hello, my name is khaena /χa.ˈɛna/. i'm a woman, i'm in my 30s. i'm a punk, an artist and a wife. this is my space. i post Kŵrakán kas here. Kŵrakán is my language and has been since 2013. i wanted to have a home on the internet for all my conlangs that wasn't just a tumblr blog so now we're here!
you can find a link to each language in the sidebar and on each language's page there is (or will be) a link to a selection of compositions in each language. Eventually the plan is to have a complete page of information available for each language, with the same kind of detail you could expect from a wikipedia page. for now (12/30/22) i only have the barebones grammatical information on the most complete languages. The site was begun in mid-late 2022, so it's still under construction, and i'm learning CSS as i go along. please pardon the dust! :P